Why Are the Prices So Low?

The Free Software Foundation allows anyone to copy and distribute exact copies under the GNU General Public License. Our affordable pricing is made possible through subscriptions and crowdfunding. However, we do not provide license keys or free updates for the products you download. Since we are not the developers, our technical support is limited, and we do not modify product functionalities or fix developer bugs.

Are the Themes and Plugins Original?

Yes, all files available on our site are 100% original and unmodified. They do not contain malware and are safe to use. We source all themes and plugins directly from the producing company’s website. You can download and use these files on your website with peace of mind. We do not sell any products sourced from third-party resources.

Which Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept a variety of payment methods, including Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Mobile Payments, and UPI, among others.

How Many Sites Can I Use the Plugin/Theme On?

You can use the GPL-licensed plugins and themes on as many sites as you like.

How Long Can I Use the Downloaded Plugins and Themes?

There are no restrictions on how long you can use the themes and plugins you’ve installed.

Do You Provide Support and Installation Services?

We do not offer support or installation services for plugins/themes. For technical support, we recommend purchasing the product directly from the producer or hiring a freelancer. Alternatively, you can seek help from the WordPress community forums. This lack of support helps us keep our product prices low.

Will the Purchased Product Be Updated Automatically?

No, you need to manually download and update the product from our website. For automatic updates, you must purchase the product directly from the developer.

Is It Legal to Use Downloaded Products Without a License Key?

Yes, it is legal. All digital products on our website are released under the GNU General Public License.

Can I Request New Versions of Outdated Plugins and Themes?

Yes, you can request updates for outdated products. We will try to provide the latest version, but we do not guarantee immediate updates.

Does the Downloaded Product Work Exactly as Expected?

Please review the product description and features on the original developer’s website before purchasing. We do not guarantee that the product will function as you desire since we do not modify its functionality. For detailed information, please contact the developer directly.

How to Update the Product?

To update a product, replace the old version files with the new version files. Alternatively, you can delete the old version and install the new version, but this might result in loss of settings. Follow any specific instructions provided by the developer for updates.

How Can I Manually Update Plugins and Themes?

We recommend using the “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin for manual updates. Here are the steps:

To Update a Plugin:

  1. Download the latest .zip file for the plugin.
  2. Log into your WordPress website.
  3. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
  4. Click the “Upload Plugin” button.
  5. Select the .zip file and click “Install Now.”

To Update a Theme:

  1. Download the latest .zip file for the theme.
  2. Log into your WordPress website.
  3. Go to “Appearance” > “Themes.”
  4. Click the “Add New” button.
  5. Click the “Upload Theme” button.
  6. Select the .zip file and click “Install Now.”

Do You Provide License Keys?

No, we do not provide or sell license keys. All products are licensed under the GNU GPL License. For automatic updates and support, you need to purchase the license keys directly from the producer.

Why Are Some Plugins/Themes Asking for a License Key?

You can ignore these warnings. Developers request license keys for automatic updates, but the plugins and themes will still function without them.

How Can I Disable License Activation and Update Warnings?

To disable these warnings, you can use plugins like “WP Hide Plugin Updates and Warnings” or “Disable Admin Notices Individually.”

Guarantees Against Malicious Code, Viruses, or Advertisements

We provide open-source software that is safe to use. You can check any downloaded product using tools like Exploit Scanner, Wordfence, Acunetix WP Security, Sucuri Security, Antivirus, VirusTotal, or Aibolit to ensure they are free from malicious code, viruses, or ads.

Common Issues

Missing style.css Stylesheet: This error occurs because the theme download package includes additional files. Refer to the original developer’s instructions if you encounter this issue.

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